Last weekend officially kicked off our wedding festivities when I flew home to Chicago for… Read the postLucky in Love
Last weekend I did something I’ve never done before: I got a professional massage. Now… Read the postTreat Yourself.
Let me start by saying this: Trying to buy a house in this market is… Read the postThe Twelve Months of House Hunting
“Everybody has their taste in noise as well as other matters; and sounds are quite… Read the postA Most Unusual Cookie
I often feel this time of year is ambiguously defined by long periods of waiting. … Read the postMindful Anticipation
Happy February! Often celebrated as the season of love, this second month of the year… Read the postI Love Me.
This week has been long, cold, and jampacked with activities. I don’t know about you,… Read the postLessons Learned From A Dog, Part 2
January is one of the hardest, longest, most frigid months of the year. After the… Read the postThe Second Arrow
Sundays have always been my least favorite day of the weekend. Think about it for… Read the postHello, Sunday
Happy New Year! Can you believe it’s already 2022? Since the start of covid, time… Read the postNew Year, Same You