My Man, Fitz

So we did it:  Last Saturday we brought home the newest addition to the family:  Fitz[1].

At nine weeks old, fifteen pounds, and a whole lot of spunk, we picked up little niño five days ago and, as predicted, our whole world has turned completely upside down.  Suddenly days are filled with regular potty trips, sprinting to get as much work done as possible within two-hour nap windows, and endless playtime excursions outside.  I’m extremely sore from seemingly infinite puppy romps, increasingly on edge from vigilantly making sure he doesn’t chew on everything within his eyesight, and decidedly more exhausted than I’ve been in a long time. 

But here’s the thing:  I’ve also laughed more this week than I have since the start of Covid, and I’m smiling more than I could have ever imagined possible.

So, here’s the “one new thing” I’m trying today:  I’m giving myself, now affectionately known as “dog mom,” a much-needed, well-deserved night off.  I’m owning where I’m at – frazzled, spent, and enamored beyond belief – and I’m recognizing that sometimes we don’t have to – and probably actually shouldn’t – try to do it all:  It doesn’t serve anyone, and it’s just not healthy. 

And, while it’s counterintuitive and a large part of my brain is urging me to push through and write a more extensive blog post tonight, another small, but increasingly prominent inner monologue is telling me this:   Rest.  For while we can always fight the exhaustion, push through the pain, and do the hard things, we don’t always have to.  And in fact, sometimes there are moments where we actually shouldn’t

So that’s what I’m doing.  I’m embracing the fact that my muscles are achy, my tank is empty, and my heart is impossibly full, and I’m giving myself permission to not push through for once.  The time will come for me to share more and post about all things Fitz, but for now I’m going to listen to that inner voice, get some dang rest, and go cuddle the heck of my new little velociraptor puppy.

[1] Formally known as “Fitzgerald” when he’s being a spicy little bugger.


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