“Do one thing a day that scares you.”
I first encountered this seemingly simple mantra years ago, and it has stuck with me ever since. Somewhere between a strong suggestion, an inspiring command, and an immutable call to action, this sentence is a clear, direct reminder that growth is perpetual, progress isn’t always linear, and life truly begins when we intentionally commit ourselves—no, when we intentionally force ourselves—to step outside our comfort zones.
Beauty comes from the possibility of what we do when we are in motion, when we continually choose to grow, stretch, and reshape ourselves. Philosophers have long referred to this concept as “the sublime,” that which possesses a greatness beyond all possibility of calculation, measurement, and imitation. When we consciously commit to stretching ourselves in ways that promote growth despite feelings of discomfort, we expand our understanding of what’s possible and stand at the precipice of stepping into true greatness.
My most rewarding moments in life thus far have been the times I’ve been uncertain, stressed, even fearful and yet still mustered the strength to persevere anyway. Life is full of surprises, but I’ve found the harder I work, the luckier I get, and the more beautiful surprises I’m able to unlock.
This is easier said than done, right? A hundred percent. Don’t be fooled: Many things scare me.
Living in a new city and building a network amongst strangers scares me.
Taking a calculated leap of faith and exploring uncharted territory in my professional career scares me.
Navigating the daily difficulties of living through a pandemic scares me.
Heck, even starting this new blog theme and embarking upon this next writing project scares me.
In short, life scares me.
But, perhaps more than anything, it’s stagnancy scares me the most. Standing still is one of the worst possible things I can imagine; the idea of wasting my one precious life—for, remember, at the end of the day we only have one—and not stretching myself to live and grow into my fullest potential literally gives me goosebumps. And yet experience has taught me it’s actually impossible to stand still at all: You either progress, or you regress, there’s no in between.
I will not regress.
Rather, I commit to cultivating a mindset, passion, and holistic approach to curiosity and lifelong learning. I am making a deliberate decision to forgo “comfort” because I’ve seen what happens when we stop challenging ourselves to continually improve. Too much comfort is dangerous, and while we should never truly be terrified or deeply scared to the point of greater harm, we should intentionally chase after opportunities that make us stop, pause, take a hard long look at ourselves, and make the conscious choice to keep moving forward. I refuse to live in a bubble, whether cultural, geographical, or otherwise self-created, for when we live this way we cut ourselves off from possibility and inevitably begin to lose a crucial component of the secret sauce that makes us fully human.
So here’s my challenge: Through this blog, One Thing A Day, I commit to doing one thing a day that scares me, today and every day after that. With each weekly post I will pursue the unknown and explore that which is new, novel, and not previously tried. I will pursue things that stretch me to grow in some way, whether by developing a new skill, embracing a different point of view, seeking a new experience, or cultivating a different mindset. I will celebrate that which might prompt newness or provoke a shift in perspective not only for myself, but also for my readers. And, at the crux of everything I will try at least one thing each day that, despite some uncertainty, newness, or discomfort, ultimately pushes me to become an even better version of myself because I’ve embraced the fear and tackled the challenge.
But this isn’t a one-woman endeavor, and I urge you to do the same: Take the leap with me. It doesn’t have to be anything death-defying or ostentatiously grand. Sure, feel free to go skydiving or hike Mount Everest if challenging yourself in this way pushes you to evolve according to your deepest goals and desires. Do the biggest, scariest things you can imagine; just don’t forget that metaphorical “mountains” also surround us daily, simply waiting for us to lace up our “boots” and muster the bravery needed to face our most intimate fears. In fact, often the scariest things that require the most courage are the day-to-day challenges where we are forced to stick our necks out just a bit further than we might like, experiment with something outside our norm, and intentionally embrace vulnerability. Whether it’s speaking up at a meeting when your voice isn’t heard, running that extra mile even though your tank is depleted, or taking that first step necessary to chase the lifelong dream that has eluded you for far too long, life is full of a series of minute moments—millions and even trillions of “one things”—that lay forth an opportunity and present a powerful choice: Will you flock to the familiar and cradle yourself in comfort? Or, will you be bold, lean into the discomfort, and bravely step into the possibility of what could be?
Life is for the living, and if we aren’t constantly striving to reach, grow, and expand ourselves to the best of our abilities, then what are we doing?
Do one thing a day that scares you.
Start now.
Commit to the fear, embrace the unknown, and challenge yourself to push past the boundaries of your comfort zone.
For greatness awaits when you choose growth over fear, and you might just stand To Be Surprised by what you learn about yourself in the process.
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